Blue skies in the Northern Rivers and the boating traffic is building up. Remember to call ahead if you need a berth as things are very busy. We’ll have a couple of hardstand specials coming up next month so keep an eye out if you need to be out of the water for a week or more. Be safe everyday.

You have no idea of some of the things we see when we pull boats out of the water. Don’t leave your service too long! Call Graham at the marina to book a haul-out. Do you know you actually save money pulling your boat out more often to do the regular service? It’s true.


After the recent flood events and wild weather it has been great to see the Port Authority doing detailed marine survey work in the Port Of Yamba. These guys chart the depths of the entrance to the Clarence River, the channels and river itself so navigation is safe. We lift their boats in and out of the water so they can do their valuable work. Safety is our priority always.